Make your Home
Halloween doesn't just have to be for the kids.
The witches, ghouls and goblins are here to teach you how to get Spooky for the season! With our spooktacular tips you will have the best haunted house on the block!
What will be covered:
Spooky Fun Halloween Home Decor Ideas
Witch Wreath
Halloween Entertaining
Halloween Wreath
Halloween Tablescape
Halloween Porch Ideas
Spooky DIY Ideas
More Surprises
This class is currently offered 2 ways:
1. On demand video links will be emailed to you with lifetime access. You can view and refer back as many times as you would like.
2. Webinar held on Thursdays. This is a interactive power point webinar where you will learn and can ask questions.
The webinar is recorded and will be available to watch at your convenience.
After registration, you will be emailed to choose your class.
1. On Demand Video
2. Schedule Webinar, receive zoom link
3. Both - With your class purchase, you may request both the on demand video and the webinar.
To RSVP and pay with Venmo, Apple Pay, Zelle or Pay Pal
Click Here to email:
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Merry Monday and Festive Friday.
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